Course Content
Principles of magnetism; magnetic fields; induction; permeability and reluctance; magnetisation; lines of force, methods of testing, viewing conditions, detecting media; interpretation and evaluation, acceptance levels; demagnetisation; practical exercises; methods of assessing sensitivity, reporting; instruction writing.
Course Duration : 5 days
Course Objectives:
- To explain the basic principles of magnetic particle inspection methods
- To carry out magnetic particle inspection
- To write clear and concise inspection instructions and test reports
- To meet syllabus requirements for PCN Level 2
Certification / Awarding Body
Entry Requirements (For Examination)
The minimum requried duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is : Level 2 - 40 hours
The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is : Level 2 - 4 Months
Course Content
Basic principles of sound; generation and detection of sound; behaviour of sound in a material, factors affecting propagation of sound; the flaw detector, calibration blocks/DAC blocks; use of angled beam probes for weld scanning, calibration of equipments; welding processes and weld defects; practical exercises on test specimens containing simulated flaws; examination of parent plate, butt welds, interpretation and evaluation; instruction writing.
Course Duration : 12 days
Course Objectives:
- To explain the theoretical background of the techniques
- To calibrate ultrasonic equipment
- To measure the thickness of steel plates and determine levels of attenuation
- To locate and evaluate laminations
- To select the correct type of probe to examine welded butt joints in steel plate/pipes
- To report on the location and size of defects in typical welded butt joints
- To interpret code requirements
- To meet the syllabus requirements for PCN Level 2.
Certification / Awarding Body
Entry Requirements (For Examination)
The minimum required duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is: : Level 2 - 120 hours
The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is : Level 2 - 12 Months
Course Content
Introduction in PAUT, Basic Principals of PAUT, Basic components of PAUT, PAUT Probe Characteristics, Types of PAUT Probes, Beam Shaping & Steering Dynamic Depth Forms, Digitization Principles, Types of Scans, PAUT machine familiarization, Development of Scan Plan, Data acquisition, Data Interpretation etc.
Course Duration : 12 days
Course Objectives:
- To explain the theoretical background of the techniques
- To explain the theoretical background of the techniques & the PAUT machine characteristics
- To calibrate PAUT equipment (velocity, Wedge delay, Sensivity, Encoder)
- To Scan the plates and acquire the data
- To locate and evaluate defects using PAUT
- To select the correct type of probe/ machine parameters to examine welded butt joints in steel plate
- To report on the location and size of defects in typical welded butt joints
- To interpret code requirements
- To meet the syllabus requirements for PCN Level 2
Certification / Awarding Body
Entry Requirements (For Examination)
The minimum required duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is: : Level 2 - 120 hours
The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is : Level 2 - 12 Months
Course Content
Materials, methods, compatibility of materials, application of materials, process of carrying out penetrant testing, viewing conditions, equipment requirement, equipment and safety aspects; practical exercises; methods of assessing sensitivity, intepretation and evaluation, reporting, instruction writing.
Course Duration : 5 days
Course Objectives:
- To explain the basic principles of penetrant inspection methods
- To carry out penetrant inspection using solvent-removable, water-washable and post-emulsifiable/removal processes
- To write clear and concise inspection instructions and test reports
- To meet syllabus requirements for PCN Level 2
Certification / Awarding Body
Entry Requirements (For Examination)
The minimum required duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is: : Level 2 - 40 hours
The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is : Level 2 - 4 Months
Course Content
History of TOFD Development, TOFD Advantages and Limitations, Principles of TOFD, Principles of TOFD, Depth Calculation, Time Calculation, PCS Calculation, Types of TOFD Scan, Equipment Used In TOFD, Digitalization Principles, Equipment Requirements, TOFD Depth, Ring-Time Issues And Errors, Interpretation and Evaluation, Applications
Course Duration : 12 days
Course Objectives:
- To explain the theoretical background of the techniques & the TOFD machine characteristics
- To calibrate TOFD equipment (velocity, Wedge delay, Sensitivity, Encoder)
- To Scan the plates and acquire the data
- To locate and evaluate defects using TOFD
- To select the correct type of probe/ machine parameters to examine welded butt joints in steel plate
- To report on the location and size of defects in typical welded butt joints
- To interpret code requirements
- To meet the syllabus requirements for PCN Level 2
Certification / Awarding Body
Entry Requirements (For Examination)
The minimum required duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is: : Level 2 - 120 hours
The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is : Level 2 - 12 Months
Course Content
Source and nature of ionising radiation; relevant basic physics; behaviour of radioactive isotopes; absorption processes; units of activity and dose; radiation damage to the human body; somatic and hereditary damage; stochastic and deterministic effects; early and late effects; principles of radiation protection; methods of radiation protection (time, distance, shielding); dose limits; safe distance and other protection calculations; gamma containers and tests on them; packaging, labelling and transport; instrumentation and monitoring; emergency procedures and equipment; Radiation Protection Supervisor will also include the requirements for Radiation Protection Supervisors; knowledge and understanding of the requirements to assess doses; carry out hazard assessments; implement contingency plans and emergency procedures; arrangements for the provision of dosemeters and the keeping of dose records.
Certification / Awarding Body
Course Duration :
The minimum required duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is:
Course Objectives:
- To list basic hazards and harmful effects relating to exposure to radiation
- To calculate/evaluate safe distances and check dose levels
- To explain effective uses of shielding and distance
- To devise and execute contingency arrangements
- To learn emergency procedures
- To meet syllabus requirements for PCN
Entry Requirements (For Examination)
The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is:
Course Content
Welding processes and weld defects; properties of X- and gamma-rays; sensitometry; film selection; film processing and spurious indications; factors controlling contrast and definition; X- and gamma-ray equipment; ionising radiation hazards; regulations; use of screens and filters; selection of angle of aspect; image quality indicators; defect depth location; castings; reporting.
Certification / Awarding Body
Course Objectives:
- To list radiographic techniques
- To state origins of defects
- To recognise and differentiate between film artefacts and defect indications
- To interpret radiographs and to categories and size the defects
- To meet the syllabus for PCN Level 2
Course Duration :
The minimum required duration of training, which includes both theoretical and practical elements, is:
Entry Requirements (For Examination)
The minimum duration for experience prior to or following success in the qualification examination is:
- Level - not applicable
- Level 2 - 6 months